Wednesday 28 March 2012

The voice of water

I've just finished reading Penelope Fitzgerald's The beginning of spring. As hoped there was a spring quote.

"the first sign of spring that couldn't be mistaken had been a protesting voice, the voice of water, when the ice melted under the covered wooden footpath... the water freed itself by its own effort, and once it had begun to run in a chattering stream, the whole balance of the year tilted over. At the sound of it his heart used to leap. His bicycle came out of the shed... In a few weeks the almond trees would be in flower..." Penelope Fitzgerald The beginning of spring


Do you have a favourite spring time book?


  1. Had to think about it - sadly I don't think I have a favourite spring book. Winter yes (Box of Delights - regressing for just a little bit). Summer yes (I Capture the Castle). I may need to rectify this situation.

    1. I can't think of one either! But your quote is lovely, though it kind of feels like we've gone headlong into summer at the moment! xC

  2. Tonia - Intrigued to now read I Capture the castle in summer. I think I automatically think of it as a winter book as their house is so cold & warming feet in the kitchen sink.
    Cathy - Yes it is the most glorious weather at the moment hope you're getting out & enjoying it.

  3. I think it's because it moves into Summer so seamlessly and without fuss. Not forgetting the midsummer rites!

    1. Aah yes & adding another book to my summer reading.


Ooh how lovely more stripes on the page...
Thank you for taking the time.