Monday, 23 May 2011

That first cup of tea

Thank you to everyone who has blogged so eloquently and passionately about Dorothy Whipple. I absolutely loved High Wages. It was a perfect book to sink into just after Granny died as a travelled by train through Kentish fields.

"Oh, the comfort of that first cup of tea! The warmth and life it put into you! They held their hands round the cups to warm them and their eyes looked less heavily on the bleak kitchen.
'What do we do now?' asked Jane
'We have another cup of tea' said Maggie
Dorothy Whipple High Wages

a beautiful world

Where do you have your first cup of tea?


  1. I don't drink tea, but I still like the idea of it as expressed in this quote. Hope you are doing ok. x

  2. I am so sorry to hear that your grandmother has passed away. I hope you are bearing up okay and I send you virtual hugs :-)
    I am glad to hear that you enjoyed and found comfort in High Wages. It is a wonderful read and your quote is one of my favourites from the book.
    My first cup of tea is usually taken in the morning at my desk whilst I go through my emails but my favourite cup of tea is taken relaxing in my favourite armchair with a biscuit or mini croissant poised on the edge of my Portmeirion saucer and a book in hand.
    My thoughts will be with you.

  3. That quote is exactly the way I feel about my first morning cup. I have it on the sofa while I watch the news and snuggle with my little dog. Neither one of us is a morning person so she is always snoozing away and I am trying to make that cup last as long as possible to put off starting the day. I might just start having a second cup, good excuse to sit there just a bit longer.

  4. Verity - thank you. Hope you're doing okay too with your wedding preps, new home, working weekends and swim training.
    Cristina - Thank you - oh yes the difference between the first cup of tea and the favourite place for a cup of tea...
    hiphip - Absolutely - any excuse for sitting a little longer on the sofa.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. My thoughts are with you. I unfortuntely don't like tea, but I love that quote - it sounds so comforting!

  6. A Bookish Space - thank you - perhaps the sign of a good quote is that it strikes a chord even if you don't particularly like what it's about.


Ooh how lovely more stripes on the page...
Thank you for taking the time.