Thursday, 14 April 2011

Through groves of orange

We're off to Seville. In preparation I re read As I walked out one midsummer's morning by Laurie Lee. Inscribed in the front cover 'A present to take with you to Spain love mum'

(That would be when I went on a school trip aged 13 years.)

'Ever since childhood I'd imagined myself walking down a white dusty road through groves of orange to a city called Seville....

In fact there was no white road, not even a gold-clustered orange tree, but Seville itself was dazzling - a creamy crustation of flower-banked houses fanning out from each bank of the river.' Laurie Lee As I walked out one midsummers morning.

Tiny white Daisies

See you soon x


Ooh how lovely more stripes on the page...
Thank you for taking the time.