Sunday 3 April 2011

Mothering Sunday

'Mrs Sedley, you may be sure, clasped her daughter to her heart with all maternal eagerness and affection, running out of the welcome the weeping, trembling young bride... How the floodgates were opened, and mother and daughter wept, when they were together embracing each other...may be readily imagined by every reader who posesses the least sentimental turn. When don't ladies weep? At what occasion of joy, sorrow, or other business of life? and, after such an event as a marriage, mother and daughter were surely at a liberty to give way to sensibility which is as tender as it is refreshing...Good mothers are married over again at their daughters' weddings: and as for subsequent events, who does not know how ultra-maternal grandmothers are? ... Let us respect Amelia and her mama whispering and whimpering and laughing and crying in the parlour and the twilight. 'William Makepeace Thackeray Vanity Fair. pretty little flower
For all our mothers and grandmothers x

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Ooh how lovely more stripes on the page...
Thank you for taking the time.