Wednesday 16 November 2011

Certain Moments

In amongst all these letters are quotes and poems sent to me, mainly from mum. A quote in a card sent from Twin when nursing a broken heart in 2001.

'For a while she [Mrs Morel] could not control her consciousness; mechanically she went over the last scene, then over it again, certain phrases, certain moments coming each time like a brand red hot down on her soul; and each time she enacted again the past hour, each time the brand came down at the same points, till the mark was burnt in, and the pain burnt in, and at last she came to herself.' D.H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers


  1. Gracious - haven't read Sons and Lovers since my A levels but that sentence came rushing back. Lawrence is right, that is what we do with a moment until the pain of it has become bearable.

  2. Sounds excruciating ... and of course, it is! Reading your previous post on old letters, I would say save 'em all. I deeply regret throwing old letters out some years ago when tidiness won over sentimentality!

  3. Tonia - Your thought has clarified this passage for me. I think as it's a passage I've not found it's taken me a while to understand.
    Cathy - I've kept alot. But have thrown some as I felt there were too many and I'd never look through that many.


Ooh how lovely more stripes on the page...
Thank you for taking the time.