Friday 15 July 2011


How can we have Paris in July without a little champagne?

'He was on familiar terms with everyone with whom he drank champagne, and he drank champagne with everyone;' Leo Tolstoy Anna Karenina
champagne & macarons
Do join me for some champagne, and a macaron or two, this Friday afternoon.


  1. Oh, if only I could! May have to postpone till Sunday, but am already there in spirit.

  2. That would be lovely - if only I could. However, lovely as the real stuff is, the virtual champagne and mararoon's won't pile on the lbs, will they?
    Margaret P

  3. Yummy! Hope you enjoy your weekend.

  4. Well, I'll take a macaroon for now, and maybe have the champagne later.

  5. Tonia I do hope you had the glories of a sip or two of champagne today.
    galant The wonders of the imagination no calories put on but all the joy of the feasting.
    Ellie Thank you it's been a lovely weekend. How's yours been?
    potterjotter Sounds like a good idea.


Ooh how lovely more stripes on the page...
Thank you for taking the time.