Sunday, 28 February 2010

Dresses and Hats

'Do you think about dresses and hats all the time, even in church? I do too.'

Nancy Mitford Love in a Cold Climate

When re reading this novel this is one of the lines which I wait with anticipation for, and then savour. It rings so true to my life, thoughts and friendships. Having been fortunate to make some great girlfriends through church - one of the many things I love about our times together are those talking about dresses and other lovely things. Clothes are something I talk about with most of my female friends, and with friends at work too. So basically I must have a clothes conversation every day - eek what does that make me sound like? It is superficial but it leads into deeper, truer 'How are you really' conversations. What are your favourite conversations with friends?

Beautiful dresses from here and here.

1 comment:

  1. OOOh beautiful dresses... must go to church more often to think about them!!!!


Ooh how lovely more stripes on the page...
Thank you for taking the time.