Thursday 1 July 2010

Paris in July

So I've packed my bags and am off to the virtual world of
Paris in July
apologies image unknown
Hosted by BookBath and Thyme for Tea
I shall be posting French themed quotes and I'm reading That Mad Ache by Fracoise Sagan.
Thank you for hosting Paris in July


  1. Thank you so much for stopping by and reading 'my' first Paris in July post. I've packed my bags along with you, and just finished reading Therese Raquin by Zola which will post tomorrow, and I'm currently reading Monsieur Pain by Bolano...fabulous! I can't wait to see what adventures we have together. I love your beginning post and wish we were going really. Bon voyage!

  2. This sounds very intriguing! What I wouldn't give for Paris right now...

  3. This sounds like fun, can't wait to read more and get in a Paris mood all month!!

  4. Great picture to begin this journey! I love your header as well!


Ooh how lovely more stripes on the page...
Thank you for taking the time.